Seek Compensation For Truck Accident Injury

A serious truck accident can alter your life in many ways. You may need ongoing medical care, miss significant time at work and experience financial losses. A legal claim can seek compensation for all of your economic and non-economic damages.

The first category of damages is called economic damages, which covers all monetary losses you have suffered from the accident. These include your past and future medical bills, property damage, lost wages, future loss of earning capacity, and other expenses. A qualified lawyer can calculate these expenses for you and present them to liable parties in the form of a demand letter.

Some injuries suffered in truck accidents are permanent, such as paralysis, amputation or severe scarring. These kinds of injuries can have a profound effect on victims’ lives, and they deserve compensation for their pain and suffering, future loss of enjoyment of life, and other non-economic damages.

Victims also deserve compensation for the emotional distress, anxiety and depression caused by their injuries. Although some insurance companies view psychological damages with skepticism, the fact is that these are real and legitimate injuries that can have a lasting impact on your quality of life. Your attorney can fight to get you full compensation for these damages.

It’s important that your Seek compensation for truck accident injury lawyer has access to all of the evidence necessary for your case. This includes any evidence that indicates the other party was at fault for your crash. This might include documents showing the trucker or trucking company was negligent, such as records indicating improper maintenance on the truck, violation of hours-of-service rules and more.

Witness statements can be critical to your case. If you can find witnesses who can testify that the trucker or trucking company was negligent, it will make your case stronger. An experienced truck accident injury lawyer knows how to locate and interview witnesses, and he or she will send a spoliation letter to the trucking company requesting that they not destroy or modify any evidence related to your wreck.

In addition to proving your damages, an experienced truck accident injury attorney will negotiate with the other party’s insurance company to ensure that you receive fair compensation. This could involve extensive negotiations, and if the insurance company refuses to offer you the amount you deserve, your attorney will be prepared to take the matter to court. For a free consultation, contact Finz & Finz, P.C. in Mineola, New York. A New York City and Long Island truck accident attorney can discuss your legal options and answer any questions you may have. Call today to set up your appointment. (855) TOP-FIRM.